Online Admission Form

First Name
Middle Name
Last Name

Date of Birth(A.D)
Date of Birth(B.S)

Contact Numbers
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Address Details

Village Name

Seeking Admission in
Select Level

Parent's Information
Father Name
Mother Name

Local Guardian Name
Local Guardian Contact Number

Previous School Information
School Name
Passing Year
Obtain Grade/Division

Till few years back, aspirant quality-education-seeking-parents had to think up of different cities far from home for their children’s better learning environment and facilities. Despite of the remarkably high costs, various hiccups of keeping them away from home. Observing this deeply-rooted educational needs, with the dawn of April in 2058 B.S, a group of time-tested mentors reached to a decision to amass the speckled think-tanks for opening up a port of Quality based educational institution from class Nursery to XII under the banner of Apex Academy Pvt. Ltd. to impart World-class education in our own land to address every Students Should get quality education staying in their local area and minimize the  neighborhood-dependency in education to some extent. .


Contact :- +977-9814825092

E-Mail :-

Address :- Malangwa, Sarlahi (Nepal)

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